EDC Diamond

EDC Gold

Easy Daily Cash

Promo Black Box

Create Your Free Trial Membership... Absolutely, No Obligation

EDC Golds' Compensation Plan Is the BEST In The Industry.
There's No Comparison.
Why choose another home based business.

If you start off with Easy Daily Cash,
You can work your way up to the higher levels,
by making sales.

Training and Support
Earning Five or Six Figures A Month Is Easy When You Know How.
and with EDC Gold You'll Get The BEST Live Support and Training Available.

That's Why EDC Gold Members are so Successful.

Live Training Classes are held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday,
and you can Listen from the Comfort of Your Own Home.
Plus EDC Gold has recorded the best of the Training Seminars, (Over 110) and they are listed In the
EDC Gold Members Area for you to listen to at your own leisure.
These Training Classes cover all aspects of online and offline marketing techniques and
strategies that others charge thousands for.

EDC Gold Shows You a way to advertise effectively, that doesn't bankrupt you in the process.

EDC Gold Teaches you Free and paid advertising solutions that work!

EDC Gold has LIVE support Monday - Friday to assist you.
Discover the free advertising secrets that are producing $50,000+ a month incomes.
That is right, EDC Gold has members who NEVER pay for advertising and they earn incomes most can only dream of!  Why pay for advertising when you can get it free and make a great income from your home?
The Products
When you become a member of EDC Diamond You will receive the following and more:

4 highly profitable online businesses capable of generating hundreds,
even thousands of dollars per day!
A built-in advertising system with capture pages to build a huge prospect list!
An auto responder system with pre-written emails to market any and all of your
home based business opportunities.
$125,000.00 worth of software (mostly marketing software)and digital products - all with complete resell rights!

One-on-one training classes and training audios to ensure your success!
Your own sub-domain... making it easier to show others your offer! (no long website addresses)
Hit tracking to know which ad campaigns work best!
Easy Daily Cash

EDC Gold

EDC Diamond
Easy Daily Cash is a very popular choice, because of the affordable price.
Easy Daily Cash costs a one time fee of $397, Plus a Monthly Fee of  $49.95.
You will earn $397 per sale. These Payments Go Directly To You.
Plus you will earn $15 Residual Income for each member you sign up.

Click Here To Learn More About Easy Daily Cash

EDC Gold costs a one time fee of $997, Plus a Monthly Fee of  $69.95 .
For your first 2 sales you will earn $600
Every sale after your first two ,you will earn $997 per sale. These Payments Go Directly To You.
Plus you will earn $25 Residual Income for each paid member you sign up.
With Every Member that you sign up, you will receive $397 from their first two sales.
You will Automatically be a  member of  Easy Daily Cash when you sign up for EDC Gold.

Click Here To Learn More About EDC Gold

EDC Diamond costs a one time fee of $2500.
The monthly fee is $79.95
You will earn $1500 for every sale.
Plus you will earn $500 for every sale that your direct paid members make.
These Payments Go Directly To You.
Plus you will earn $50 Residual Income for each paid member you sign up.

You will Automatically be a  member of  Easy Daily Cash, and EDC Gold
when you sign up for EDC Diamond.

Click Here To Learn More About EDC Diamond

The EDC Gold home based business  was launched on December 1st 2006,
and the EDC Diamond  home based business was launched November, 2007.

EDC is the #1 Start up - Home Based Business on the Internet.

EDC Gold has created MORE people earning six-figure incomes PER MONTH than all the other
direct competition combined.

Many of our members are making $30,000 a month, working from home.

EDC Gold  is the first to create the 100% Payout - Where you keep 100% of the sales price.
No other home based business opportunity offers this.

EDC Gold has always been a successful home based business , and now with the launch of EDC Diamond more and more people are signing up.

EDC Gold has the training you need, to become a Professional Internet Marketer, and this is the main
reason EDC Gold Members are so successful with this home based business opportunity.

When you become a paid member you receive up to $125,000 worth of software products,with resell rights mostly geared toward internet marketing.



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No Obligation - Free Trial
Here is an overview of the 3 programs you can choose from.
What Are You Waiting For, Click the Link Below and Get Started Now,
You can be making $30,000 a Month  by 2008.
Below is a video explaining the EDC Diamond Compensation Plan.
Easy Daily Cash, EDC Gold, & EDC Diamond
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